Image by NASA
The overall scientific objective SERPENTINE is to understand the acceleration and heliospheric transport of particles in large and widespread SEP events. To address this objective, SERPENTINE will address the following open science questions:
Q1: What are the primary causes for widespread SEP events observed in the heliosphere?
Q2: What are the shock acceleration mechanisms responsible for accelerating ions from thermal/suprathermal energies to near-relativistic energies in the corona and in the interplanetary medium?
Q3: What is the role of shocks in electron acceleration in large gradual and widespread events? How does it relate to ion acceleration and what is its importance relative to flare acceleration?
In the core of the SERPENTINE project are also the following technical objectives to achieve a maximal impact for exploitation of the data by the wider scientific community:
T1: Produce and distribute catalogs of single- and multi-S/C SEP events and in-situ shock events.
T2: Provide an analysis platform with the data and tools for advanced analysis along with visualization of the modeled heliospheric state.
T3: Produce and deliver high-level and multi-instrument datasets for energetic particles and the necessary ancillary data.
To achieve these objectives, the scientific and technical work in SERPENTINE is performed in six Work Packages: